Monday, August 23, 2010

The West Trip

Uncle Bernie and I ventured out today all over the country
side all the way to Grand Beach.
You must start with a good breakfast! Vickies was quite the
hangout in its day. My parents spent some time here. And we were
were served byVickie herself. The food was excellent. Very cool.
Down the road a few kilometers, we stopped
by at the church where my parents were married.
Built in the 30s, it is no longer in use but quite a nice
building. I had seen this church in films of that day but
it was cool to see it up close.
A little further and we saw the site of the famous Staska Grocery.
Of course, it is no longer standing - it was on the grass part in the
picture. The people that bought it still live here, however.
After driving around Grand Beach, we ended the day at
the Beausejour Museum. It is very cool. Instead of artifacts
under glass like most museums,This one has entire buildings
that you could actually walk through.
They had an entire house there. An entire store that closed
45 years ago. In the Teacher's Cottage, Bernie found a picture
of the Staska Grocery store on the wall! This is a cropped
picture of the picture. Nice job Selena!
Here is Bernie with a volunteer at the museum. They went
to the same school but not in the same class. This
is the store that closed in 1975. Bernie said that my Uncle
Willard went to grade 12 in the upstairs of this store.
In that store, Bernie found a picture of his father that he
had never seen before. He figures his dad was about
20 years old in the is photo.
It was a very interesting day with all the history. Thanks Uncle B!

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