Wednesday, September 1, 2010

FLASH: It is NOT Katie or Geo's Birthday

So, me and Maddie are driving home and my phone tells us that there is a birthday today. I have Geo and Katie's phone numbers under the same name so we weren't sure who's birthday it would be? We didn't think that there was a birthday so soon after we left, but my phone can't be wrong. So I said to Maddie ( cause I'm driving ) we better phone over there.... Maddie says but how will we know who's birthday it is, I said "well say I hear there's a birthday today... " and if It's Geo's birthday and he answers then he'll say thankyou, and if it's Katie's he'll say "one sec I'll put Katie on" lol well!! Our plan backfired..... Maddie phoned and Katie answered, Maddie says the script, but I hear her say next, "George's birthday??" then "Katie's birthday??" now Maddie is scowling at me because I made her phone and it's nobodies birthday.... we were too early for Katies, it's at the end of Sept!! But better to have phoned, even when you think you're wrong, than to have missed it altogether!! So it's not their birthday, but it IS their UNBIRTHDAY!! so happy unbirthday to you both! and everyone else who's birthday isn't today!

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