Wednesday, July 22, 2009

4 minute window...

At 10:26 PM tonight there was a 4 minute window where you were able to see the Space Shuttle Endeavour fly above us. I set my alarm early in the day so we didn't forget, and sure enough, suddenly it was going off! We ran outside looking up, not quite sure what to look for. The NASA sight told us the direction, and that it would look like a very bright star, moving quickly, and it would vanish in 4 minutes. When we saw it, it was one of the coolest moments ever! I got goosebumps! We called Maddie out and there we all were looking up from our driveway. It was so bright it was hard to believe the light would go out, and then just like it said after 4 minutes, it was gone! I took a picture, knowing it wouldn't turn out, but needed an actual pic to blog, that was ours. Then it made it ok , to find a good shot on "google" and show you what it really looks like!
Thankyou Sue for bringing that website to our attention! :-)

Dean: It was one of the coolest sights in the night sky ever. It appeared exactly where the NASA website say it would be. It was quite bright, at first I thought it was a plane. But it was moving way too fast for a plane and planes usually flash. This looked like a star moving through the sky. Then at the end of four minutes, the "star" flickered out and disappeared. Very, very cool!
That squiggle is Endeavour
Haha, brought back to mind the night Dean cried "Eclipse" here's a link to that old blog

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