Monday, May 24, 2010

Bit of this and that...

On Saturday, we went to Peppino's for delicious sandwiches.... the weather was a bit uncooperative, so we didn't get to walk around Kensington as much as I would have liked, we did stop in at a very beautiful Starbuck's and went to the Busy B store ( antiques and such ) that me and Maddie had found on our last adventure. After that we headed homeward for some Runescape, and vino. Dean made yummy ribs, and we had cherry pie for dessert, after which all we could do, was sit and play, we were way too full to move lol.
Sunday, Dean left in the early morn.... in our house that means 11:30. He traveled East to Medicine Hat to go to Jade's grad party. We sandwiched the event, I got to go to the ceremonies, and he went to the BBQ. That way, we could both be a part of it.

Maddie had a sleepover, so Katie and I went to venture out and find a quilting store. The map made it look simpler, but apparently there was an invisible street?? We had to phone for guidance, and finally found it. It was jam packed with supplies, like a "quilter's paradise" Katie was in her glory :-)

Afterwards we visited the Crossroads Market, I haven't been there since it moved from 16th. It was quite a mix of a world in there. Literally too, because the aisles are messed up, so you go in rows, and circles, and zig zags... very easy to miss a whole section! But we had a great lunch, my corned beef sandwich was pretty tasty... and thick, almost a Carnegie special.... The stores had new, old, antique, and flea wares. There was food, and toys and candy oh my!
After arriving back home, we hit the land of Rune again... the last 2 hours of the night, in "giggle hour" (after 1AM ) Maddie, Katie and I started watching youtube videos. One of us would find a funny one and tell the others, we would look it up on our laptops, and start laughing with each other, we did that until our faces hurt. Dean arrived back from the Hat around 3AM, Maddie and I were still up winding down our laughter at funny cat videos!

Onto the next venture..... dadada....

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