Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What does Nice mean?

The saying " that was a nice funeral" has always escaped me. Have you forgotten why you are here? How can it possibly be a good funeral, and then there I was, front and center to my Dad's funeral.... and when I looked over my shoulder through tears and saw the rows and rows of people!! I heard a click, and that saying all made sense.... all these people were here to give hugs and condolences to those grieving, and I was overwhelmed with joy. There were so many people here! All because my Dad had touched their life in some way, and it was a"nice" feeling. My Dad is gone.... but I have so many fun and happy memories I will make him live forever, whenever I can I will tell you a story, and I will remember, and I will smile, and I will make you smile too :-) Right now I am listening to the last music tape my Dad made for me... and as I listen I remember how truly quirky and wonderful he was... thanks Dad I got my quirkiness from you, and I love it, I am passing that knowledge down to Maddie so you will always make us smile :-)
July 14 1995 Maddie helping Grampa water the lawn
Aug 30 Vernon, Mini golf with me, Mark and Tania
Aug 25 1982 VERNON, this is Dad's shop


Rui Dias said...

Hi Selena. I was sorry to hear about your Dad passing away. I liked Frank a lot.

You're not an easy person to track down! It was a total fluke that I found your blog.

I wasn't able to attend the memorial service because I was out of town.

I recognized that photo of you sitting on Frank's lap. If I'm not mistaken, I took that picture!

I've been in contact with Mark and Tania and Eva lately on Facebook. I heard about Frank's heart attack from Eva (and even Claudia!!) but it seemed like he would recover. I was totally stunned when my sister told me he passed away.

I'm sure he would be upset that he didn't pass away in BC. He sure loved it there.

Anyway, you have my condolences and I'm sure his memory will live on.


Rui Dias

Dean and Selena said...

You did take that picture! Thanx for the thots :-) I will miss him tons, but the stories will live on and on :-)