In one week we were in 4 different cities, I guess 3, Calgary shouldn't count, but we went to Winnipeg, then Rexford Montana, and then Medicine Hat for Jade's grad!
I didn't have this picture of me and Jade when I posted the last blog until Ruby sent it to me :-)
While we were in Winnipeg my sister Tania had a some of the family over for pizza, ( Dad style ) and dessert. It was so good to see everyone, circumstances aside. One of my cousins who I remember always having fun with as a kid was there, and we got the cutest pic together :-)

me and my cousin Tom
at Tania's, around the table, Tania, Tom, moi, Mary, Anitra and Zoe, Maddie, Eva ( Gramma Fifi ) Aunty Michelle
I went to Jade's ceremonies, and Dean went to the BBQ, but in between those dates was the dinner and dance. Jade looked so beautiful in her gown, I just had to share some photo's that her friend took! Wow, gorgeous!!! Talk about being hard to decide which pictures to choose!!
Jade and Brook
Then it was back to work and get into the swing of normal? life again, lol what is normal anyway?? For me, it would be getting a garbage bag full of costumes that my Friend gave me. She was cleaning out her garage and found these gems. I am so easily amused :-)
There was a lab coat, and 2 masks!! Masks are so precious :-) also a black gown that can be used in many many many different ways! They are all hung in the closet with the care... waiting for the ghouls that soon would be there... moi hahahaha ( ya, ok, I know I'm a freak ) anyway, Thanx Diane :-) they are in a good home :-)
Today is scrapbook day, need to catch up on some pages. Lol when we were in Winnipeg my cuz asked what I was doing now, and I said working at a scrapbook store... he misunderstood and thot I was working in a scrapyard :-) amusing tidbit, well off to the trenches to "scrap"