Thursday, March 27, 2008

86 stories....

We really do have 86 stories from today, but the most memorable is the real 86 story building, the Empire State Building! As tall as all these skyscrapers look from the ground, they are minimized from the top of this observation deck. I thought it would be cold and windy at thw top but the weather was nice? We took a lot of pictures because of this, and now have to piece together the inforamation that was crammed into our brain. There is an unbelievable amount to see in a small city block!!

(Over to Dean)
Rush hour traffic in Manhattan is a real sight to see. But the real action is on the sidewalk. There is no where to park in Manhattan so no one has a car so everyone takes the subway or a cab. The sidewalks turn into human icebergs, moving like 1000 robots coming straight towards you. You better be paying attention or you will take a shoulder to the body at top speed. The street crossings are funny because Walk - don't walk are meaningless. People stand 3 feet from the curb out into the street and watch the cars whiz past them by inches. The CARS are in the way here in Manhattan. This is the land where Pedestrians rule the earth. Strange indeed. (SC) In traffic jams, the cars move so slow, when a cop has to give a ticket out, he just walks out to the car and issues it!! Back to Dean...

We ate at Carnegie Deli today. We lined up and then went inside. Ooops too far. We were told in an airport security type way to stand outside. We got in a few minutes later and were led way in the back past all these tables of eight. We were sat down at a table of eight with where your nearest neighbour is actually at your table. Personal space has no meaning in NYC. (For example, I am liveblogging from a Cheesecake place and we are sitting uncomfortably close to another table of two. The native New Yorkers beside carry on like we aren't even here. ) We were on the end so we didn't have people on both borders. The waitress was impatient and really didn't offer to help with the massive menu. Anyway, Selena found the Corn Beef "sandwich" and I quickly decided on the Carnegie hamburger. We munched on the free pickle appetizers at our table. They were excellent. Selena's "sandwich" arrives, it is a massive hind quarter of corn beef. And she finished it all - it was that good. See the pic - it is hard to believe. My hamburger arrives with a pound of bacon on it. Wow! The food was amazing and I now know why everyone puts up with the Woodstock style seating. It was the best hamburger I have ever had. And after that we disappeared into Times Square again....

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