Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Capitol

Arrived about 7:30 am - the white tent there is
where the free tickets for entrance to the Capitol
are distributed. There were already tons of people
in front of us but the cab driver said we were
"in good shape" to get tickets and he was right.

The line stretches way to the right of us and
around the corner and across the way as this
picture demonstrates. This was about 8:00 am
- an hour before the ticket office opens.

You may have to click to enlarge this one. It is of
the House flagpole and shows the House is not
currently in session as there is no flag flying.
There is a separate flag for the Senate which was
also not flying.

This is the roof of the Rotunda inside the Capitol.
The Statue of Liberty could stand in this room
and still have 30 feet of space from the top of
her torch.

A shot of the hundreds of tourists in this room.

Speaker of the House Pelosi's Chambers

Shot of the Washington Monument
as we leave the Capitol.

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